Workshop Grants Program - Information Page
- The SCCQ Workshop Grants Program is designed to assist members in improving skills and to generally further the art of quilting in its region.
- It aims to grant an award of up to $500 each to 2 groups per year that seek financial assistance to conduct quilting related workshops.
- The SCCQ Grant is not provided with the view to meeting all costs associated with the workshop but to sponsor the activity to keep the cost to participants lower than those charged at commercially run quilting workshops.
- All workshop participants are expected to be financial SCCQ members.
- Applications will be accepted no later than the October SCCQ meeting with successful applicants being announced at the December meeting and details to be published in the December newsletter.
- The successful applicants will be determined by the Workshop Grants Committee comprising: the 3 executive position holders Dorothy Hanbridge, Robyn Sammons, Marilyn Kellett plus Liz Foster and Sammy Gaskill.
- At the time of application a group must have been a member of SCCQ for at least 2 full years.
- A successful group will not be able to reapply for a Grant for 3 years.
- The Grant may be used to contribute to costs associated with the workshop, such as: tutor’s fees, tutor’s travel, accommodation and meals and venue hire.
- The Grant may be used for receipted transport costs including reasonable petrol costs if the tutor is using own car, meal costs of up to $40 per day and accommodation of up to $100 per day. The club is expected to meet the cost of the difference in any of these expenses.
- It is expected that billeting costs if the tutor is accommodated in this way, will be met through the generosity of the host or by the club.
- A list of accredited tutors is available on the QuiltNSW website. It is not necessary to use an accredited tutor. However, the fees paid to a tutor if funded (or partly funded) from the Grant should be commensurate with the tutor’s reputation/qualifications/tutoring experience.
- Should the club conducting the workshop not be able to fill all places it will undertake to invite further SCCQ members via the newsletter, at SCCQ meetings and by direct contact with club Contact Officers if time is limited. Preference should be given to attendees from smaller groups of under 20 members.
- A request for a Grant may be made before all arrangements have been finalised, however the date must have been determined, the tutor must have been booked and a clear description of the workshop must be provided in the application form.
- Should the workshop not proceed any money advanced by the Guild should be returned.
- A report and financial acquittal should be submitted to SCCQ within 30 days of the completion of the workshop.
- The report should be suitable for publication in the newsletter and include: Name of group running the workshop, Date/s of workshop, Name of tutor plus background information about the tutor, Description of the workshop, List of attendees and club with which they are registered, Photos taken during the workshop if possible
- The financial acquittal should list the total project budget income and expenditure, indicate what the grant covered and include receipts for all components met from Grant. The financial acquittal should be signed by the workshop organiser, President of the club and Treasurer of the club
- Should the total income of the workshop exceed the total expenditure, SCCQ requires the difference between theses two totals to be returned to the Guild’s account
- SCCQ recognizes that small groups of under 20 members are less able to organise workshops of this nature and consequently are less likely to be applicants for funding under this Program. Therefore, SCCQ is willing to consider applications for financial assistance from members of groups of under 20 for travel expenses to workshops conducted under this Program by other SCCQ groups. These applications should be submitted within 30 days of the completion of the workshop. (SCCQ will consider funding at 25 cents per kilometre to a maximum of $50 per car).